Btw. a popular “misconception” is that Python is not a compiled, but an interpreted language, which gives you the impression that there is no compilation at all. Python has a compiler and it needs to compile the Python code to Python Bytecode before interpretation.
There is actually one situation where you really “feel” the compilation time: when installing packages via pip
. If a package does not offer wheel
binary distributions (every Python source code is compiled for your target system), the installation procedure has to compile every single file.
You can even see that there is compilation if you remove the compiled files, but of course the effect is not so dramatic as compared to Julia, with a heavy duty compilation chain under the hood. Btw. most of the slow compilation times in Julia come/came from invalidations. The trick is to be smart and not recompile things if it’s not needed, which many people are working on for a very long time already.
Here are some loading times after clearing the compiled files in a fresh virtual environment (find venv -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \+
░ tamasgal@greybox.local:km3pipe master py-3.8.6
░ 09:34:26 > ipython
Python 3.8.6 (default, Nov 6 2020, 18:54:28)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.19.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
>>> %time import matplotlib
CPU times: user 1.69 s, sys: 124 ms, total: 1.82 s
Wall time: 1.95 s
>>> %time import pandas
CPU times: user 1.41 s, sys: 482 ms, total: 1.89 s
Wall time: 2.43 s
Here is time including launching Python itself (after clearing the compiled files again):
░ tamasgal@greybox.local:km3pipe master km3pipe py-3.8.6
░ 09:39:41 > time python -c "import pandas"
python -c "import pandas" 2.65s user 0.80s system 89% cpu 3.679 total
As you can see, Julia is not so far off. Given that such commands are executed only once per a session (and Revise for example makes it mostly unnecessary to reload packages, in contrast to Python where you have to reload your complete session every time you change your code), I think it’s quite ridiculous to state that
Julia is faster than Python. Show me one piece of code in pure Python which is faster than Julia, without measuring the compilation time, since that’s not what’s behind a claim of being faster than Python. No-one said Julia will compile faster than Python, as far as I know