I used the function mentioned herehttps://discourse.julialang.org/t/how-to-track-total-memory-usage-of-julia-process-over-time/91167/2, meminfo_julia() and meminfo_procfs() to get RSS and GC_live memory, but I found my program have much bigger RSS memory than GC_live, I don’t know why.
1 RSS: 16651.820 MiB GC live: 5026.047 MiB Max. RSS: 47895.031 MiB
2 RSS: 16658.062 MiB GC live: 5054.207 MiB Max. RSS: 47895.031 MiB
3 RSS: 17807.227 MiB GC live: 11322.439 MiB Max. RSS: 47895.031 MiB
4 RSS: 34378.992 MiB GC live: 5388.977 MiB Max. RSS: 52125.352 MiB