Why isn't this example function being documented?

I am trying to document my functions with mixed results. This simple example, which I pasted on the julia> prompt, does not seem to work:

    foo(x, y)

Some comment.

Another comment.
function foo(x, y)
    return x + y^2

What I get is:

help?> foo
search: foo floor wf_boot_CI portfoliocomposition portfoliocomposition! ft_nonothing

  No documentation found.

  foo is a Function.

  # 1 method for generic function "foo":
  [1] foo(x, y) in Main at REPL[240]:1

What am I doing wrong?

do ? bar instead of ? bar(x, y)

A simplified version, with “foo” instead of “bar”, still does not work:

help?> foo
search: foo floor wf_boot_CI portfoliocomposition portfoliocomposition! ft_nonothing

  No documentation found.

  foo is a Function.

  # 1 method for generic function "foo":
  [1] foo(x, y) in Main at REPL[240]:1

I cannot reproduce your issue, i just copied and pasted your code, and it works as expected for me (Julia v1.7.1 on Linux)

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Make sure that you paste the code as one piece. It might happen that the multi-line string and the function definition get evaluated separately when you paste the code line by line.