Hello everyone,
Here is my situation when you work …
A = (:a, (2,3))
B = (:b, (2,3,4))
using Test
@test typeof(A) !== typeof(B)
# but, you can catch them with vararg
T = Tuple{Symbol, NTuple{N,Int} where N}
@test A isa T
@test B isa T
NA = (foo=:a, bar=(2,3))
NB = (foo=:b, bar=(2,3,4))
@test typeof(NA) !== typeof(NB)
# and you can not catch them with vararg
NT = NamedTuple{(:foo, :bar),T}
@test_broken NA isa NT
@test_broken NB isa NT
# even broaden them up to tuple fail
T2 = Tuple{Symbol, Tuple}
NT2 = NamedTuple{(:a,:b),T2}
@test_broken NA isa NT2
@test_broken NB isa NT2
# meanwhile covariance still ok @ tuple
@test A isa T2
@test B isa T2
so, aren’t there any fix for now ?
i found one, turning to array.
NA = (foo=:a, bar=[2,3])
NB = (foo=:b, bar=[2,3,4])
T3 = Tuple{Symbol, Vector{Int}}
NT3 = NamedTuple{(:foo, :bar),T3}
@test NA isa NT3
@test NB isa NT3
But i find ugly and a bit counterfeiting.
Is there something better in this case, eg.
- having a supertype with collection fields in namedtuple
- without needing to flip front and back from tuple to vector ?
PS I subodorate that’s may be just a lack of time and review to do it