Why is the update of the registries so slow?

$ julia
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.2.0 (2019-08-20)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/                   |

julia> t = time(); include("go.jl"); println("$(time()-t)")
Activating environment at `C:\Users\PK\Documents\work\ACol\Project.toml`
  Updating registry at `C:\Users\PK\.julia\registries\General`
  Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`

Fourty six seconds. Why?

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Slow internet connection? Mine usually completes in ~5 sec

This is on 10 Mpbs. You?

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There is definitely a minute long lag with the package manager every now and then for me. This is especially true if I use the package manager after first loading or precompiling a larger package. That’s why it seems to me that sometimes it is better to open a new instance of Julia to get a quicker response from Pkg.

Also, I’m on Linux not Windows.


Looks like you are using Windows: LibGit2 operations are generally pretty slow there from my experience.

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Is it just a Windows thing? I had trouble explaining to my students why installing packages in a fresh Julia install takes over 1 minute on the Windows school computers, but only a few seconds on my Linux laptop. That would explain it.


Yes, git is (of course) very snappy on Linux

Could people on Windows look at the process monitor while the registry is updating and see if Windows Defender is taking up a lot of CPU during that.

Also, does adding the .julia/registries/General directory to the exclusion list of Windows Defender help at all?


It’s not only a windows issue, I’d say:

The article:

Hard to compare package installations between machines, but after Pkg3, I’ve never noticed windows to be particularly slow anymore…

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Can you share the toml files for this environment (before the first up)?

Good thinking. During the fetching of the registry the “anti-malware service executable” was over 30% of CPU usage.

I added the folder .julia/registries to the exclusion list. That didn’t work.
I added .julia to the exclusion list, and then the fetching of the registries did not result in high anti-malware executable CPU usage. However when the fetching was done, the anti-malware executable went up to over 50% of CPU usage.

I have no explicit comment to your question. But I would say Defender, Anitmalware blabla (possibly this is the same thing), and some other windows processes that I do not understand (wmi host provider, etc.) tend to slow Julia (and other software) by a huge margin.
I actually have the feeling, Microsoft has a deal with energy providers.

Turning off antivirus software (not necessarily advisable), resulted in a speedup of around 3 (16 seconds compared to 46 seconds originally). I suspect there is an additional speedup that might be gained by turning off indexing (the Windows indexer is running towards the end of the instantiation).


Long time ago the registry (METADATA) was a wide (~2500 subdirectories) git repository with small individual files; so a database as directory structure. This took very long to update via git pull.

The Pkg3 happened. And everything went to be way-more-efficient.

Now the Registry is a tree (1-level Intial char, 2-nd level Package name) of small individual files, so a database as directory structure. Could it be that this takes long as updates via git pull?

Will this get faster? I still find it is much less responsive than python and r on windows.

Yes. You can already use a Julia 1.4 prerelease and set JULIA_PKG_SERVER to geo.pkg.julialang.org to get registries as tarballs.


The link, when clicking on it, redirects me to eu.pkg.julialang.org which doesn’t seem to exist.

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It’s not a website, it serves packages.


I am using Julia 1.4.0 but the fetching process of packages updating is still very slow.

If you set $ export JULIA_PKG_SERVER=pkg.julialang.org (and delete the old git-registry) it should be significantly faster.

Edit: I see this was discussed above, but maybe the problem is that your registry is still in git-form?

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