Why I love Julia

I am not sure about these last two specifically:

Sure, there are issues open, like

which has been around since the dawn of time and I am not sure it is going anywhere — I imagine people realized that formal interfaces would not add that much value, compared to other neat features which are the focus of current attention.

For type piracy, there is

which would make sense but I guess it doesn’t address the concerns of a C++ programmer, since it is just a warning, and would not show up in non-interactive use.

Even though software engineers used to C++ & friends may find some parts of Julia puzzling or inadequate, I think it would be misleading to say that implementing these things is a priority in any sense.

I think that it would be fair to say that Julia programmers just rely on other tools (CI, TDD) to deliver quality software, and people interested in Julia should just explore it as it is. Julia is not like some half-constructed building with random things falling on your head all the time, but a comfortable place for productive work.