Why does this Python code performs three times faster than Julia?

There is a relevant section of the manual (though it talks about function arguments rather than local variables): Argument-type declarations.

In practice, explicit local-variable declarations are rarely used in Julia. Mainly to have finer-grained control over type-promotion/conversion rules (as an alternative to explicit type conversion at each assignment) or to control variable scope. Not for performance per se.

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If you define a struct or an array, then it is worth to use concrete types. Otherwise I don’t do it (unless for defining functions that shall only work on a specific type). In other words: For a local variable, don’t do it.

Since you are playing with a MD code, and I may guess you speak Spanish, you can find some elemental implementations here, to play with:

Or other single - file examples here:

ps: This is how I would/could write that code snippet:

@kwdef struct Params{T}
    σ::T = 1.0
    ϵ::T = 1.0
    m::T = 1.0
    Δt::T = 1.0

import FastPow: @fastpow 
force(r, ϵ, σ) = @fastpow -4*ϵ*(-12*σ^12/r^13 + 6*σ^6/r^7)

function md_model2(ʋᵢ::T, rᵢ::T, n; params = Params{T}()) where {T}
    (; σ, ϵ, m, Δt) = params
    rʋ = zeros(T, 2, n)
    for i in axes(rʋ, 2)
        ʋᵢ = ʋᵢ + Δt/2*(force(rᵢ, ϵ, σ)/m)
        rᵢ₊₁ = rᵢ + Δt*ʋᵢ
        ʋᵢ₊₁ = ʋᵢ + Δt/2*(force(rᵢ₊₁, ϵ, σ)/m)
        rʋ[1, i] = rᵢ = rᵢ₊₁
        rʋ[2, i] = ʋᵢ = ʋᵢ₊₁
    return rʋ

With which you get:

# original
julia> @btime md_model($ʋ₀, $r₀, $n);
  1.864 s (50000004 allocations: 839.23 MiB)

# code above
julia> @btime md_model2($ʋ₀, $r₀, $n);
  137.313 ms (2 allocations: 76.29 MiB)


  • Having the parameters in a struct gives you flexibility (to change them), without creating performance problems, because then it is practical to pass the parameters to the functions.
  • Julia is column-major, so better store the consecutive data (coordinates, for instance) in a (2,N) matrix than in a (N,2) matrix. For coordinates, you would normally use the StaticArrays package.
  • The @fastpow is important for performance in this case (gives you a ~5x speedup). But you can avoid it if you want by splitting the powers in products of small powers.

With these small powers and some additional small optimizations you can get:

julia> @btime md_model3($ʋ₀, $r₀, $n);
  112.524 ms (2 allocations: 76.29 MiB)
@kwdef struct Params{T}
    σ::T = 1.0
    ϵ::T = 1.0
    m::T = 1.0
    Δt::T = 1.0

# ϵ4 = 4*ϵ
# σ6 = σ^6
function force3(r, ϵ4, σ6)
    r6 = (r^3)^2
    r7 = r6 * r
    r13 = r6 * r7
    return -ϵ4*(-12*σ6^2/r13 + 6*σ6/r7)  

function md_model3(ʋᵢ::T, rᵢ::T, n; params = Params{T}()) where {T}
    (; σ, ϵ, m, Δt) = params
    ϵ4 = 4ϵ
    σ6 = σ^6
    Δt2 = Δt/2
    invm = 1/m
    rʋ = zeros(T, 2, n)
    for i in axes(rʋ, 2)
        ʋᵢ = ʋᵢ + Δt2*invm*(force3(rᵢ, ϵ4, σ6))
        rᵢ₊₁ = rᵢ + Δt*ʋᵢ
        ʋᵢ₊₁ = ʋᵢ + Δt2*invm*(force3(rᵢ₊₁, ϵ4, σ6))
        rᵢ = rᵢ₊₁
        ʋᵢ = ʋᵢ₊₁
        rʋ[1, i] = rᵢ₊₁
        rʋ[2, i] = ʋᵢ₊₁
    return rʋ

Forgot to mention: with the above code you can also run with Float32 and get some additional speedup:

julia> @btime md_model3(1.f0, 1.f0, $n; params = Params{Float32}());
  92.385 ms (2 allocations: 38.15 MiB)