I am trying to solve the same ODE for multiple parameters on the GPU, however as you can see in the provided code, the size of the solution trajectories is not the expected one. I get solution that are of the size 7*6, but i want the solutions to be saved at all time points in time_points. Does anybody know where the mistake is? I already varied the batchsize because of the synchronized time stepping, but that didn’t help.
using DiffEqGPU, OrdinaryDiffEq
function Glucose_Yeast(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = p[1] - p[2] * u[1] * u[6] / (1 + u[6] / (p[11]^p[10]))
du[2] = 2 * p[2] * u[1] * u[6] / (1 + u[6] / (p[11]^p[10])) - p[3]*u[2]*(p[12]-u[5]) - p[7]*u[2]*u[5]
du[3] = p[3]*u[2]*(p[12]-u[5]) - p[4]*u[3]*(p[13] - u[6])
du[4] = p[4]*u[3]*(p[13] - u[6]) - p[5]*u[4]*u[5] - p[9]*(u[4]-u[7])
du[5] = p[3]*u[2]*(p[12]-u[5]) - p[5]*u[4]*u[5] - p[7] * u[2] * u[5]
du[6] = -2 * p[2] * u[1] * u[6] / (1 + u[6] / (p[11]^p[10])) + 2 * p[4]*u[3]*(p[13] - u[6]) - p[6] * u[6]
du[7] = p[14]*p[9] * (u[4] - u[7]) - p[9] * u[7]
time_points = [5, 15, 23,30, 35, 50, 65, 75, 99, 120, 140, 150, 170, 175, 198, 200]
parameters = [2.5, 100, 6, 16, 100,1.28, 12, 1.8, 13, 4, 0.52, 1, 4, 0.1]
no_samples = 1000
tr = (0,200)
u0 = [0.8328305840762804, 0.07874494552628386, 0.29149315284561084, 0.7805647100582624, 0.7934642151447182, 0.14760486012152874, 0.4416625406969794]
num_pars = length(parameters)
lbs = zeros(num_pars)
ubs = zeros(num_pars)
for j in 1:num_pars
lbs[j] = 1e-8
ubs[j] = 2*parameters[j]
s = SobolSeq(lbs, ubs)
s = Sobol.skip(s, no_samples)
Pre_Sobol_Matrix = zeros((num_pars, no_samples))
for j in 1:no_samples
Pre_Sobol_Matrix[:,j] = Sobol.next!(s)
function GPU_solver(ODE, parameters, u0, tr, Pre_Sobol_Matrix, no_samples, time_points)
prob = ODEProblem(ODE,u0,tr, parameters[1])
function prob_func(prob,l,repeat)
#Create a new parameter set
new_p = collect(Pre_Sobol_Matrix[:,l])
#Launch a new trajectory
remake(prob, p = new_p)
monteprob = EnsembleProblem(prob, prob_func = prob_func)
println("Start solving")
@time sol = solve(
trajectories = no_samples,
batchsize = 100,
saveat = time_points
return sol
sol = GPU_solver(Glucose_Yeast, parameters, u0, tr, Pre_Sobol_Matrix, no_samples, time_points)
for i in 1:no_samples