With Julia-v1.0:
julia> @edit isapprox(10, 11; atol = 2)
ERROR: could not determine location of method definition
[1] functionloc at .\reflection.jl:957 [inlined]
[2] functionloc at .\reflection.jl:967 [inlined]
[3] edit(::Function, ::Any) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr
[4] top-level scope at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\j
In fact, this has been the case for a while, at least can be traced back to Julia-v0.6.4:
julia> @edit isapprox(10, 11; atol = 2)
ERROR: could not determine location of method definition
Or should I expect @edit
to be failing in the presence of any keyword arguments?
Retrospectively, both ASTInterpreter and ASTInterpreter2 fail with any keyword argument as well. But that’s another issue…