in the previous thread I complained about the default plot style of Plots is not good (Why Plots.jl produce figures looks not as good as other packages even with pyplot)
Then I received some people lecturing me about the default being good enough.
But, some people said they just don’t use Plots/PyPlot to produce the publication-quality figures. Instead, they use PGFPlots, Gnuplot, etc. I am confused because I found that matplotlib “Create publication quality plots.” in their main page. Also, GR can be used as the backend of matplotlib.
So can someone explain to me what is the difference of figure qualities between those packages? BTW, I used some settings and get the figure posted here. I feel the style is suitable for publication (even if some data was covered by legend) and I used Plots.jl with GR backend. The default settings are:
default(grid=:off, box=:on, legend_background_color=ARGB(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5),
legend_foreground_color=:gray, markerstrokecolor=nothing,
markerstrokewidth=0, markersize=5, legendfontsize = 9, tickfontsize=9,
guidefontsize=12, fontfamily="Computer Modern")
and the code plotted this figure is
a = range(0, 2, length=100)
plot(a, a, label="linear", lw=2, xlabel="x label", ylabel="y label",
title = "Simple plot", dpi=600, size=(500, 270))
plot!(a, a.^2, label = "quadratic", lw=2)
plot!(a, a.^3, label="cubic", lw=2)