Hi, following this tutorial, OpenStreetMapX_tutorial, I’m calculating the route between two given points using OSM data. The following is the code.
using OpenStreetMapX
md = get_map_data("s400.osm", only_intersections = false)
loc1 = LLA( 64.47650462217807, 24.598919372616486 )
loc2 = LLA( 64.75335912990957, 20.99776468754424 )
However, the very last line of code does not work. I got the following error message.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching #dijkstra_shortest_paths#104(::Bool, ::Bool, ::typeof(LightGraphs.dijkstra_shortest_paths), ::LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleDiGraph{Int64}, ::Array{Int64,1}, ::Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64},1})
Closest candidates are:
#dijkstra_shortest_paths#104(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::LightGraphs.AbstractGraph, ::Array{U<:Integer,1}, ::AbstractArray{T<:Real,2}) where {U<:Integer, T<:Real} at /home/devel/.julia/packages/LightGraphs/WBY2S/src/shortestpaths/dijkstra.jl:63
[1] #dijkstra_shortest_paths#105 at ./none:0 [inlined]
[2] dijkstra_shortest_paths at /home/.julia/packages/LightGraphs/WBY2S/src/shortestpaths/dijkstra.jl:140 [inlined]
[3] dijkstra at /home/.julia/packages/OpenStreetMapX/Vi27g/src/routing.jl:71 [inlined]
[4] find_route(::MapData, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}, ::Bool, ::Bool) at /home/.julia/packages/OpenStreetMapX/Vi27g/src/routing.jl:142
[5] shortest_route(::MapData, ::Int64, ::Int64) at /home/.julia/packages/OpenStreetMapX/Vi27g/src/routing.jl:197
[6] top-level scope at none:0
After checking the OpenStreetMapX folder from the packages folder of julia home directory, I found out it has at least three folders. One of which is Vi27g, which contains the src folder for source code of OpenStreetMapX. I’m confused about the error message above and also confused about why there being at least three folders like that.