I thought I would see four different sets of colors, one per second, but I only see the first. Why doesn’t this work? (using Jupyter Lab for Julia in Windows)
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3)
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3)
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3)
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3)
For this type of overloaded printing, Jupyterlab only prints the last thing returned in a cell, try separating it out into four cells, or returning a vector of images from a single cell:
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3),
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3),
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3),
reshape([RGB(rand(),rand(),rand()) for _ in 1:12], 4,3)