pdeffebach thank you very much for the explanation. But then, I suppose, one has to call the function as dayp(Symbol("1day")) which is not very convenient. In this case it would possibly make more sense to use just Strings instead of Symbols, something I would like to avoid since I am using Symbols everywhere else.
If you are using Symbols because their literals are just a single character shorter than String characters, well, then this really throws a wrench at your choice. However, if you choose to use Symbol for any better reason, then the fact it become more verbose should not be so much of a problem.
Sure. The inconvenience is that the users of my scripts are students who most likely will get confused if they will need to change to strings the usual symbols they got used to. Of course they can always use instead day1 or m30 (instead of 30m for 30 minutes), which seems to be the best solution even if a little awkward at first.