While loop iteration

I think there is a problem with my while loop in this code. My aim is to find new values of (S_0 and z_0) in my code if the condition in the while loop holds. I keep getting just one iteration count thou I expect more than one count. or is there any problem with where I place the z_0 outside the function? Any suggestions and advice to get this work done will be appreciated, please. My code is below

using LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools

e=[] ;f=[] ; g=[] ; h=[] ; A1=[] ; T1=[]

W=[4 3 5 6 7 6 5] # Various weights
x=[33 15 2 5 39 17 11] #X-cordinates
y=[41 11 4 45 3 26 4] #y-cordinates

x_0=sum(W.*x)/sum(W) #Finding the point x0
y_0=sum(W.*y)/sum(W) # Finding the point y0
XY=[x_0,y_0] ## cordinate for the point x0,y0

#Implementing equation 4.1 and 4.3
function algorithm(S_0,z_0)


(s1,z1)=(2,3) # First point that brackets the minimum
(s2,z2)= (4,5) # Second point that brackets the minimum
(s3,z3)= (6,9) # Third point that brackets the minimum

S_0 = 0.5* ((s2^2 -s3^2)*z1 + (s3^2 - s1^2)*z2 + (s1^2-s2^2)*z3 / (s2 -s3)*z1 + (s3 - s1)*z2 + (s1-s2)*z3) #Eqn 4.3

   for i in 1:n
    a= x_0 - x[i] #xi = x^k - x_j
    b= y_0 - y[i] #yi = y^k - y_j

    TopLamda_x=W[i].*a # To find the numerator of Lamda_x
    TopLamda_y=W[i].*b # To find the numerator of Lamda_y
    push!(e,TopLamda_x) ; push!(f,a) ; push!(g,TopLamda_y) ; push!(h,b) ;  append!((A1),(a,b))
        ###The Loop helps to substract s*Lamda form xi_j
        NormLamda_x=norm(f) # Find the norm for Lamda x denominator
NormLamda_y=norm(h) # Find the norm for Lamda y denominator
Lamda_x=sum(e/NormLamda_x) # To calculate Lamda x
Lamda_y=sum(g/NormLamda_y) # To calculate Lamda y
         B=[Lamda_x,Lamda_y] # An array to store both x and y cordinates of Lamda
        C=S_0*B # use s to multiply Lamda
    append!((T1),T) # Save values after each iteration into T1
        ##Finding T(x)
    D_ip1=[] # An array to store the distance from the initial point to each cordinate
    D_ip= ((x[i]-x_0)^2 + (y[i]-y_0)^2)^0.5 # Finding the distance from initial point to each cordinate
    push!(D_ip1, D_ip) # Storing the distance after each iteration
        sum_distance= sum(D_ip1) # Summing all distances for the various iterations
        # FINDING THE Numerator for x-cordinate of partial derivate 
   Top_derivativeX1=[]  # An array to store the partial derivative of x_cordinate(numerator)
        Top_derivativeX= W[i]*(x[i] - x_0 )
    push!(Top_derivativeX1, Top_derivativeX) #store the partial derivative of x_cordinate(numerator) after each iteration
        sum_partialX= sum(Top_derivativeX1) # Find the total sum for all iterations for x.

    partialX= (sum_partialX / sum_distance) # This is the partial derivative of x representing x cordinate
        #Numerator for Y-cordinate of of partial derivate

Top_derivativeY1=[] # An array to store the partial derivative of y_cordinate(numerator)

    Top_derivativeY= W[i]*(y[i] - y_0 )
    push!(Top_derivativeY1, Top_derivativeY) #store the partial derivative of y_cordinate(numerator) after each iteration

sum_partialY= sum(Top_derivativeY1) # Find the total sum for all iterations for y.

partialY= (sum_partialY / sum_distance) # This is the partial derivative of y representing y cordinate
DerivativeXY=[partialX,partialY] ##Store the partial derivative of X and Y
sDerivativeXY= S_0*DerivativeXY ## Multiply S by the partial derivative
        XYnew= (XY .- sDerivativeXY) ## Find new cordinate for X ## T of x in eqn 2.2

#norm(T1) # To find the Norm of xi_j -s*Lamda

z_0=sum(W.*norm(T1)) # To find the total sum by multiplying W_j with T1 ###Eqn 4.1

 ## Stopping Criterion
function stop()
    while(abs(XYnew[1]-XY[1]) >= 0.01  && abs(XYnew[2]-XY[2]) >= 0.01)
        (S_0, z_0)= algorithm(S_0, z_0)
        count = count + 1;
    return XYnew


When you enter this function, what is XYnew?

It is very, very hard to debug such problems with the use global variables like that. And, additionally, that will totally kill the performance of your code. See the first tip in: Performance Tips · The Julia Language.

In the process of debugging your error, I would suggest you to remove progressively all global variables, you will probably find what is wrong in the meantime.

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XYnew is defined in the first function. It stores the values of S_0 and z_0. I just called it in the second function since it is already defined in the first function. The aim is to get new values for XYnew as the while loop holds. I will work on what you suggested, please. Thank you.

You should then be getting an error of XYNew not being defined when you call stop(), because XYNew is local to that first function, not a global variable.

If you are not getting that error, is probable that you had defined another XYNew as a global variable somewhere else, and your stop() function is doing nothing related to what is going on in the first function.

This is what happens if I just copy/paste the code there into a new Julia section:

julia> stop()
ERROR: UndefVarError: XYnew not defined
 [1] stop()
   @ Main ./REPL[13]:4
 [2] top-level scope
   @ REPL[14]:1

(appart from other errors before that)

Okay. I get you.
I need to look into this again.

Thank you.

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