Just wondering if anyone uses docker with Julia and know which variant of Linux performs best and is easiet to work with.
I found Ubuntu to be quite nice, but frankly, for plain vanilla Julia it should not matter. Choose the distro you are familiar with (which is why I picked Ubuntu), or one which works with the other software you need (but again, all modern distros are quite versatile).
I had always hoped for smaller ones so I tried both Alpine & ArchLinux. Neither of them works properly… I guess that’s because something’s missing. Both jessie & ubuntu work fine. I’m sticking with the mainstream for now…
You can use the ubuntu-minimal, which cuts down size of the image from ~170 to ~90mb for 18.04. My initial tests using ubuntu minimal with Julia-1.0.0 were successful.
If you use ubuntu as a host you can utilize lxd:
lxc remote add --protocol simplestreams ubuntu-minimal https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/
lxc launch ubuntu-minimal:bionic
More information on Ubuntu minimal: Minimal - Ubuntu Wiki
Corresponding press release: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/07/09/minimal-ubuntu-released
Hi @tk3369,
Why about using the official Julia Dockerhub image?
Even though it currently has 448MB, Julia team takes care of it.
$ docker pull julia
$ docker run -it --rm julia /bin/bash
root@14b7a38c7c44:/# cat /etc/debian_version
André Lage.