Which approach for an efficient and handy "getData(dim1,dim2..)" function?

I need to write some code where often I need to pick-up (and sometimes set) multidimensional data.
The query function must have some own-logic. For example, for some dimension it should return the national data if the regional one is not available, or for an other dimension it should return the sum if no data is asked for, for the year dimension it should return the “current” year of the model is not otherwise specified, and so on.

In C++, I did implemented it creating a “data” class that encompass both the data and the “query logic”, instantiating a single object of such class and making it available to the class that describes my model trough a pointer.
So, in my model, I can just write for example gd(dim1,dim2,"",dim4) or sv(value,dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4).

Now in Julia, it is considered bad practice to write functions that have side effects and using global variables is a performance-killer.
So, I suppose, I should write a function that takes in input both the data and the query (and other ancillory inforamtion, as the year): gd(data, dim1,dim2,"",dim4,year) or sv(value,data,dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4,year), but as I need to write it hundreds of times, it looks overkilling my code.
Is there an other way to write such kind of functions efficiently and without having to specifically pass the data it query to and other parameters ?

I am not sure I understand the question (a MWE would help). But perhaps you can wrap your data in a structure that stores the information that you would otherwise repeat for each call.

Would a simple anonymous function help? E.g., defining

const gd = (dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4) -> gd(data, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4)

Even in the global scope, provided it is const, there appears to be no performance penalty.

Thank you @Tamas_Papp and @dawbarton …I used both your approaches… I created a structure that wrap the main data and the ancillary informations in the query and created an anonymous function to get rid of the main data storage on each call, at least in the “get” version…

using OdsIO, DataFrames, DataFramesMeta  # LAJuliaUtils
iFile = "input_data.ods"

################ SETS #####################################
sets              = ods_read(iFile;sheetName="sets",retType="DataFrame")
const priProducts = toArray(sets[:priProducts],arrayT=String)
const secProducts = toArray(sets[:secProducts],arrayT=String)
const dClasses    = toArray(sets[:dClasses],arrayT=String) # converting first to int..       # ..and then to string (ortherwise "25.0")
const forTypeId   = toArray(sets[:forTypeId],arrayT=String)
const regId       = toArray(sets[:regId],arrayT=String)
const fr2         = regId[1:end-2]                        # set of french regions ids
const products    = vcat(priProducts,secProducts)         # all products
yraw              = toArray(sets[:years],arrayT=Int64)    # getting ymin and ymax
const years       = collect(yraw[1]:yraw[2])              # from ymin and ymax creating the set of years

############### LOADING DATA ##############################

# Loading data and standardizing it to parname|region|d1 (forType or product)|d2(region,diameter class, product)|year|value format
forData = ods_read(iFile;sheetName="forData",retType="DataFrame")
forData[:freeDim] = map(string, forData[:freeDim])
rename!(forData, Dict(:forType => :d1, :freeDim => :d2))
prodData = ods_read(iFile;sheetName="prodData",retType="DataFrame")
rename!(prodData, Dict(:prod => :d1, :freeDim => :d2))
rawd = vcat(forData,prodData)
regionMap = ods_read(iFile;sheetName="regionMap",retType="DataFrame") # loading the association of regions l2 -> l1

d = DataStructure(rawd,years[1],regionMap)

test = gd("pl","IF","hardWSawnW","",2005)


using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta

function toArray(DA;arrayT=Any)
    DA = dropna(DA)
    if arrayT == String
        return [string(i) for i in DA]
        return Array{arrayT,1}(DA)

type DataStructure
    rd             # rawdata
    y::Int64       # current year
    regMap         # map regions level1 -> level2

   gdd(d, parName,r,d1,d2="",y=-1,op=sum)

Get data specifying the required dimensions.

# Arguments
* `d`:  the DataStructure to work on
* `parName`:      The wanted parameter
* `r`:            The wanted region
* `d1`:           The wanted first dimension (either fortype or product)
* `d2` (def=""):  The required second dimension (either region, diameter class or product)
* `y` (def=-1):   The required year (if different than the current one)
* `op` (def=sum): The operation to perform if multiple values

# Logics of the function:
* `r`:  if data ir requested at regional level and only national one is available, return the national one
* `d1`: if d2 is not provided, don't filter for it
* `d2`: if d3 is not provided, don't filter for it
* `y`:  (a) if y not provided, use current years; (b) if y don't exists, use the highest y available
* `op`: operation can be any of `sum`, `mean`, `length`, `countnz`, `maximum`, `minimum`, `var`, `std`, `prod`

# Examples
* gd(d,"vol","LO","broadL_highF","35")
function gdd(d, parName::String,r::String,d1::String,d2::String,y::Int64 =-1,op=sum)
    # Notes: lookup for a NA is difficult (@where gives error)
    if(y == -1)
        y = d.y # current year
    l1 = @where(d.rd, :parName.== parName)                 # filtering by parName
    #return l1
    l2 = @where(l1, :region .== r)                         # filterning by region
    if size(l2)[1] == 0 # region not found
        country = @where(regionMap, :l2 .== r)[1,:l1]
        l2 = @where(l1, :region .== country)
    #return l2
    l3 = l2                                                # filtering by d1 (if requested)
    if d1 != ""
        l3 = @where(l2, :d1 .== d1)
    #return l3
    l4 = l3                                                # filtering by d2 (if requested)
    if d2 != ""
        l3 = @where(l2, :d2 .== d2)
    #return l4
    maxYear = maximum(l4[:year])                            # filtering by year
    y = y > maxYear ? maxYear: y
    l5 = @where(l4, :year .== y)
    #return l5
    return op(l5[:value])

const gd = (parName,r,d1,d2="",y=-1,op=sum) -> gdd(d, parName,r,d1,d2,y,op)