What's the difference between CSV.jl and CSVFiles.jl?

I put together a quick comparison of supported features between CSVFiles.jl & CSV.jl:

CSV.jl CSVFiles.jl
Char delimiters :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
String delimiters :white_check_mark:
Space delimiter :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
Ignoring any repeated delimiter (fix-width files) :white_check_mark:
Char quote characters :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
Separate open/close quote characters :white_check_mark:
escape characters :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
skip rows to parse :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
limit rows to parse :white_check_mark:
handle files without header row :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
manually provide column names :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
specify arbitrary row or range of rows for column headers :white_check_mark:
specify # of rows to use for type inference :white_check_mark:
automatically sample entire file for type inference :white_check_mark:
manually specify column types by index or name :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
parse all columns of one type as another :white_check_mark:
specify arbitrary missing value strings :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
transform column names into valid julia identifiers :white_check_mark:
specify arbitrary row where “data” begins :white_check_mark:
skip parsing # of rows at end of file :white_check_mark:
specify comment character/string to ignore commented rows :white_check_mark:
read a file transposed (rows as columns, columns as rows) :white_check_mark:
support alternative decimal separator characters (3.14 vs. 3,14) :white_check_mark:
specify arbitrary values to parse as true or false Bool values :white_check_mark:
auto detect and parse columns as CategoricalArray :white_check_mark:
option to ignore invalid values (replaced with missing) :white_check_mark:
ability to selectively parse specific columns :white_check_mark:
ability to apply arbitrary scalar transform functions while parsing :white_check_mark:

CSV.jl has been around for a long time now (started May 2015) vs. CSVFiles.jl (June 2017), and developed a ton of requested features. Please chime in if there’s anything missing!