What steps should the Julia community take to bring Julia to the next level of popularity?

Is it a big deal to run julia -q (which is what you do anyway when using julia as a script runner)?

Is it really? For Matlab, definitely not. Python, maybe partially, though for scientific workflows I strongly suspect most use the REPL, since you want the interactivity. And for R, I thought everyone worked inside RStudio.

In Bash, Perl, Javascript etc. I guess things are different.


I would like to see that:

  • Julia community members submit Github repositories, blog posts, and JuliaCon videos to Slashdot, Hacker News, or any similar website
  • The Julia Lang website better reflects the adoption of Julia in academia and industry with case studies, blog posts, and/or logos of companies and institutions that use Julia.
  • Developers of Julia and major Github organizations write blog posts about upcoming major features from time to time
  • Julia Stewards explore the possibility of turning Julia into a foundation under the Linux foundation

Julia is already a sponsored project under the nonprofit NumFocus foundation ā€” similar to NumPy, SciPy, Jupyter, and many other prominent open-source science projects. This seems like a much more appropriate umbrella foundation than the Linux Foundation.


That may be sub-optimal (now), but we also want it to work fast. Is there anything wrong with my suggestion:

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Julia becoming a foundation would reinforce the idea that Julia is the right language for scientific computing. Although Julia could become an independent foundation as Python is, being under another foundation such as the Free Software Foundation (as R Foundation) or the Linux Foundation (as R Consortium) seems more convenient.

For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m sorta a novice, though Iā€™ve been using Julia since ~2015. My workflow is to open a Julia REPL and copy/paste code from a ā€œscratchpadā€ (unsaved) file, seeing what works (or doesnā€™t) and then doing exit() to clear functions etc., edit my scratchpad, rerun REPL, rinse-repeat.

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I think these are the ones that are generally considered to be ā€œscripting languagesā€, rather than Matlab. Maybe R can be placed in the same category.

These days a student wrote me asking how to run a Julia script, which was quite simple. Just a package being used a couple of lines calling some functions. I told him that he had to first install the package in a Julia section, and then run the script. Even, it felt suboptimal, as ideally I would like to tell him to create an environment for his script, and not add the package to the global one.

That given, I think it would be interesting to have a keyword argument, -s or anything else, such that:

julia -s script.jl


  • Create an environment (not temporary, and uniquely identified with that script).
  • Install all using packages without prompting.
  • Run the script.
  • Maybe: cash some compiled code given the functions used?

On the second call, the environment and the packages would be already created and installed. How much automation is a question (should a second run remove the packages that are not anymore used, for example?).

That would help distributing scripts. The user would just have to know that on the first call to the script some installation kind of thing would happen.




Is that good or bad?


auto-installing packages without confirmation on the name (as the REPL currently gives) could come with increased security risks. probably not a lot, but these things add up


MathOptInterface.jl would require an infinite! amount of installation time and I can except some users to break the freeze process by pressing ctrl+D

Well, I donā€™t think most users (particularly new ones) think twice before typing ā€œenterā€ when prompted, but anyway, not prompting is not the an important feature there. It could be -s --prompt-install=no, for that.

ps: how can that be?


Joking, but it takes a significant compilation time

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That true for many packages, but there is no escape from it currently, so I donā€™t see that being a problem, given it will happen on the first call of the script only (particularly because of the environment created).

Iā€™ve been using some julia script as scripts by manually creating an environment, adding the packages, and activating automatically the environment on top of the script, and it works relatively well, even with some heavy (DataFrames, Plots) packages. The above behavior would be similar to 1) create an environment, 2) add all packages, 3) add import Pkg; Pkg.activate("script_environment") to the top of the script. Just automatically.

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We already have that capability.

You tend to think of Pluto.jl just for notebooks and interactivity (and possibly graphs), but itā€™s a pure Julia file with all you need, an implied Manifest.toml file, in just one file. I havenā€™t checked if I can run it from the shell (or as a REPL, as with ipython), but I would at least want that. That said Iā€™ve made a 30% smaller sysimage, with 20% faster startup that would be good for scripting. Another problem with your ā€œInstall all using packages without promptingā€ is that itā€™s not reproducible, it doesnā€™t know the exact package used, so must assume latest version ok, and install that. In many cases would be ok, but better to specify. I guess thatā€™s what Pluto does if handed a .jl file without the (otherwise hidden) markup. Another problem is the implied --startup-file=yes so in effect anything could happen at runtime, Pluto disables that, I believe. [I believe also it adds threads, a non-default in Julia, and possibly not wantedā€¦]

Starting with version 0.15, Pluto has a built-in package manager, which means:

1.:balloon: Packages are automatically installed when you use import or using.
2.:balloon: Your package environment is stored inside the notebook file. When someone else opens your notebook with Pluto, the exact same package environment will be used, and packages will work on their computer.
:person_raising_hand: These two features are designed to make it easy to write and share reproducible notebooks.

Your last point about caching compiled code is part of my tiny executable idea, i.e. would make .ji files with compiled code automatically, which would be good for default Julia, and then help Pluto also automatically:

No, I donā€™t think Pluto files can cover that use case. They cannot (they can, but they are not thought to) be edited directly. They carry all the meta-data required for reproducibility, which is good for its use case, but not for simple scripting running.

Someone wanting reproducibility is already in an advanced stage. There could be an option to provide a manifest file separately for that. But, most of the time, users just want to run code with the latest package versions available. This is the use case that a new user faces.

(the --startup-file=yes could be disabled in the scripting run mode above).

Yes, but that is the more complicated part. All the ā€œscripting modeā€ above just would work without this part, as it is just a shortcut to creating an environment, installing everything, and finally adding the activation of the environment created to the top of the script.

Which they often arenā€™t.

Besides everything mentioned previously, Iā€™d like to share some observations and concerns about the culture of the Julia community, particularly in relation to user feedback and suggestions. While I appreciate the many strengths and features of Julia, I have noticed that the community could improve its communication and attitude towards user requests, criticism, or suggestions.

In contrast to my interactions with Python package developers, who are generally helpful and friendly, I have seen instances where users expressing their opinions or difficulties with Julia or its packages are met with elitism, snark, or rudeness. This can create a negative and discouraging environment for users who want to learn and contribute to Julia.

I believe that the Julia community should strive to adopt a culture of openness and inclusiveness, similar to that of the Python community. This would help foster a positive and constructive atmosphere where users feel comfortable and welcome to share their thoughts and ideas. It would also help attract new users and retain existing ones, as well as improve the quality and usability of Julia and its ecosystem.

I hope this feedback is taken in the spirit of constructive criticism and improvement. I respect the hard work and dedication of the core developers and contributors, and I appreciate the amazing language they have created. I just hope that the community can also improve its culture and communication, as I believe this is essential for the long-term success and popularity of Julia.