I’m looking for a package to implement a CLI in Julia but all I can find is ArgParse, which takes a pretty complicated and old fished approach (based, I assume on the antiquated Python’s argparse).
Is there something more usable and modern, like Python’s click?
(I know how this sounds; but painful experience with argparse and the contrasting experience of using click have done that to me.)
That looks promising. It would be great if someone could point me to some meaningful examples. I can’t even find documentation for it, but it sounds great.
As a complete noob to Julia, I was curious myself about creating a CLI for a calendering-app I’m working on. Much to my surprise, I learned that Julia has a few built-in functions along those requirements, documented @ The Julia REPL · The Julia Language … Not exactly a fancy point-and-click feature, but a time-saver nonetheless IMHO.