What kind of packages can be accepted by Julia community?

I would reiterate my comment from an older, similar thread:

The threshold for registration is pretty low. It has to have some amount of non-trivial functionality to be “useful” (whatever that means, but it can’t be an empty “Hello World” placeholder). And it has to have some documentation (at least a README). Basically, looking at the repository, an average Julia user should be able to figure out what the package does and have a rough idea how to use it.

Anything beyond that is on a case-by-case basis. The package name can be a pretty important issue: it should somewhat accurately reflect the scope of the project. The more general/short the package name, the more scrutiny it would probably receive. Like, if someone wanted to register MachineLearning.jl, I’d expect that to be a bit more mature, have full documentation, and have a team behind it that can commit to long-term maintenance. With a long, descriptive package name, you can get pretty much anything registered, no questions asked.

So there are almost no “necessary conditions”. But also, anyone in the community can block a registration, so we rely on informal common-sense norms. Things that have a strong consensus typically get formalized in the Package Naming Guidelines and the General Registry FAQ. Ultimately, there is a small set of registry maintainers that have the last word, in that they can manually merge registrations, overriding any blocking comments.