What Jeff Bezanson thinks is bad about Julia in 2021?

Latency is probably the biggest single bad thing in Julia. Jeff Bezanson’s talk mention is only slightly, since he says something like that. “Latency is a well known problem, but this presentation is about problems that most people don’t know”.

CVS.jl is quite problematic to me, for this reason. Three weeks ago I was doing Julia Academy’s Julia for Data Science and find regression in performance of CVS.jl on the test set. Julia have a lot of moving parts and this can hit performance in big way, so I don’t blame personally for this problem. Especially because I can’t help with improving performance in any way.

I recently open one Discord discussion about Jan Vitek ideas for removing some latency, but while I eager to know a big picture, I can’t do anything to help fight this problem.

Does serious discussion about latency in ecosystem is ongoing or we should start one? Again, in my opinion with may current knowledge of Julia and Git I can’t help with this issue.