What is your favorite mapping package?

Thank you for the info.

I removed GMT v0.38.0 and added GMT.jl#master which resulted in GMT v0.38.0 https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl.git#master in my status.

On GMT v0.38.0 I was receiving:

julia> GMT.Gdal.GDALGetDriverCount()

julia> GMT.Gdal.OGRGetDriverCount()

julia> getdriver("gpx")
NULL Driver

On GMT v0.38.0 https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl.git#master I am receiving:

julia> GMT.Gdal.GDALGetDriverCount()

julia> GMT.Gdal.OGRGetDriverCount()

julia> getdriver("gpx")
Driver: GPX/GPX

Among impressive list of supported formats ogr2ogr --formats brings:

GPX -vector- (rw+v): GPX

so I guess GPX is supported.

However, when
data = gmtread("path/to/gpx", ogr=true)
I still see
Vector{GMTdataset} with 0 segments
and it is not possible to plot it due to
ERROR: Input has zero segments where it can't be.

I did some additional tests, however, I was not able to overcome the limit of datetime line. If you find it suitable, I think that it might be better if you take a look at the underling data by yourself. Below please find the links to gpx and the same data in geojson. Should I be of any help please let me know.
