I want to define Clifford Algebra, something already realized in
But, I don’t think it can be helpful to my project. Because I want its arithmatic structure rather than these types.
It it possible to specify the arithmatic structure between self defined types like MyX, MyY and MyZ like
@group * Pauli begin # `*` operation, defined on Pauli Group
MyX == X
MyY == Y
MyZ == Z
so that MyX * MyY can return im*MyZ (Since we have im*Z == X * Y in Clifford.jl) ?
Or Is there any examples to define group operations using macros?
There are several efforts to do symbolic computation in Julia, but it’s a difficult problem. There was a talk at JuliaCon 2018 with a bit of a review.
Julia makes it very easy to define methods on your types; see the docs.
I’m not sure what you mean by a “circulant group of N elements”. Is the following what you have in mind?
julia> struct Mod{N}
julia> import Base: +
julia> x = Mod{10}(5)
julia> y = Mod{10}(6)
julia> +(x::Mod{N}, y::Mod{N}) where {N} = Mod{N}( (x.i + y.i) % N )
+ (generic function with 181 methods)
julia> x + y
Sorry for my misleading description, what I mean is more general finite group like
ulia> abstract type CircElem end
julia> struct One <: CircElem end
julia> struct Two <: CircElem end
julia> struct Three <: CircElem end
julia> +(::One, ::Two) = Three()
+ (generic function with 1 method)
julia> +(::Two, ::Two) = One()
+ (generic function with 2 methods)
Now I have some existing codes like
julia> struct MyOne end
julia> struct MyTwo end
julia> struct MyThree end
julia> # can I copy the definition of + from CircElem ?
PS: I want to define arithmetics in the first place, so these relations be reused (i.e. type independent relations)!
Using the type system for run-time computation like this is probably not a great idea. It’s still fairly unclear to me what you’re try to get here. Do you want something that defines algebraic operations for you?
Clifford.jl also uses type system to define finite groups.
By doing this, Pauli operators can be used in function dispatch.
Also thanks @dpsanders, now I think it is indeed related to symbolic computation. Although the author of JuliaCon talk Symbolic Mathematics in Julia — JuliaCon 2018, London, UK states that Julia is suited for symbolic programing, his repo is dependent on SymPy (very inefficient in my opinion).