What is StrideArrays.jl

PRs adding docs or relevant information from here are welcome.

Hi @Elrod, amazing package as usual!

I’m just wondering, what do you mean by @gc_preserved being required? Is that an alternative to using @inline, or is @inline required anyway?

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It is an alternative.

Julia can stack allocate mutable structs such as MArray or StaticStrideArrays, but (currently) only if they aren’t returned or passed to a non-inlined function.
So either you can inline everything, or you can use @gc_preserve to circumvent that.

@gc_preserve uses GC.@preserve to protect the memory, and calls PtrArray on the arrays, so that you have a non-owning view (regular views in Julia are owning).


So @gc_preserve appears to be a decisive.

From my tests, MArray with @inline, and even with cutting and pasting the code to be inlined does create allocations (I need an allocation-free solve of a small linear system). So my experience with MArray in this respect is shaky.

OTOH, with @gc_preserve this problem goes away, and it seems that for my use case, the choice between MArray and StridedArray ends up as a matter of taste.

However @gc_preserve is not exported. Would you mind a PR to StrideArraysCore to elevate @gc_preserve to stable API status ?

As for MMatrix: see inconsistent MArray allocation behavior with @inbounds, loop order · Issue #874 · JuliaArrays/StaticArrays.jl · GitHub

In addition to @inline one needs to have @inbounds at loops with nonstandard access (e.g. reverse order) to allow for allocation free behaviour.

@j-fu and @Elrod, do you guys have a minimal working example of how to use @gc_preserve instead of @inline?

So far, I’m able to run some simple tests with @inline, but can’t port that to my real code.


I have a working example here. Being non-allocating is absolutely mandatory, as this function may be called 100_000s of times, sometimes with eltype Float64, sometimes with eltype ForwardiDiff.Dual{…}.