What is empty index notation?

I saw the following notation in the documentation of Makie.

x[] = 3.34


What is this syntax?

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You set the only element in x to 3.34

In this case it is:

julia> x = Observable(0.0)
Observable{Float64} with 0 listeners. Value:

julia> dump(x)
  listeners: Array{Any}((0,))
  val: Float64 0.0
  inputs: #undef

julia> @which x[]
getindex(observable::Observable) in Observables at C:\Users\Oli\.julia\packages\Observables\OFj0u\src\Observables.jl:306

julia> @less x[]
Base.getindex(observable::Observable) = observable.val

It is setting the val part of the Observable type.
Operator [] is called derefencing a Ref (reference) which you can find in the docs:
It is just a similar definition in Base:

julia> y=Ref(5)

julia> dump(y)
  x: Int64 5

julia> @less y[]
getindex(b::RefValue) = b.x

You can also use this syntax for accessing the value of a zero-dimensional array. I would guess that this is where the syntax originated, N indices for N dimensions.

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How can this be explained?

julia> x = [:a]
1-element Vector{Symbol}:

julia> x[]

The a[] syntax will return the only element in a.

julia> x = [:a]
1-element Vector{Symbol}:

julia> x[]

julia> x = reshape([:a], Val(0))
0-dimensional Array{Symbol, 0}:

julia> x[]

julia> x = reshape([:a], Val(2))
1×1 Matrix{Symbol}:

julia> x[]

This doesn’t work if a doesn’t have exactly one element

julia> x = [:a, :b]
2-element Vector{Symbol}:

julia> x[]
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-element Vector{Symbol} at index []

julia> x = []

julia> x[]
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Vector{Any} at index []
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I mean why does it do that? It is inconsistent with @DNF’s guess

Does Matlab do the same thing?

It does that because indices may be omitted if all the trailing dimensions are of length 1. This implies that, for a 1-element Array, x[] is equivalent to x[1], irrespective of how many dimensions the array has.

I am uncertain if Matlab does the same.


The way I think about it is as follows x[] is the same as getindex(x). So if there is one-argument getindex defined for type of value x then x[] will work.