What features will I miss in Julia?

I’ve seen than Weave is not updated since three years ago.

Are you sure? Latest commit for Weave was on May 17 (2017). Judo appears to have stagnated a bit (see specifically Error on installation. · Issue #24 · dcjones/Judo.jl · GitHub).

I’ve seen in you link the package Documenter.jl
How does it compare to Weave.jl?

Apples and oranges. Weave.jl is for “literate programming”, Documenter.jl is for writing documentation.


Both are now available in LazyContext!

Are there any packages such as brms or blme?
They allow to use bayesian computation (Stan) through a simple formula.

blme: Maximum a posteriori estimation for linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models in a Bayesian setting.

brms: Provides an interface to fit Bayesian generalized (non-)linear multilevel models using Stan.
A wide range of distributions and link functions are supported, allowing users to fit linear, robust linear, count data, survival, response times, ordinal, zero-inflated, hurdle, and even self-defined mixture models all in a multilevel context. Auto-correlation structures, censored data, meta-analytic standard errors…

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I used R a lot before and now do most of my stuff in Julia

What I miss from R:

  • Plotting, I do most of the quick plots in Plots.jl but for most of the high quality plots I still use RCall.jl
  • A super stable syntax, I can still run all the R code I wrote years ago, the worst break was between some ggplot2 versions.
  • googling: “how to do x in R” or an error message and getting always an answer in the first results.
  • most methods have a ready to use implementation in R.

What I am glad to leave with R:

  • Weird multiple ways to do object oriented programming
  • slow loops
  • little control over memory management
  • hacks to get computations vectorized
  • hard to read linear algebra operations
  • hard to fix bugs in packages made by other people.

What about multiple imputation (fully conditional specification or any advanced method)?

Let’s keep the discussion centered over at How to do multiple imputation on Julia?. Cross-posting it on a year-old thread isn’t really helpful.

Given that this thread is over a year old, I’m going to close this topic.