It’s been a couple months since I first released
Since then, I’ve been gradually fixing bugs and expanding features.
As of late, though, development (and traffic) have started to decline.
Therefore, I’d like to ask the community:
- What do you want to see on Julia Observer?
- What works? What doesn’t? What’s only so-so?
I think that declining traffic is to be expected — the ranking is interesting, but not something I would want to recheck frequently. Don’t measure the usefulness of something by traffic; you can create a valuable resource without people revisiting it on a daily basis.
First time on the site, wasn’t too clear what metric used for each tab. Perhaps these could be configurabe, described more clearly.
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What’s the functionality and purpose of Julia Observer?
And on this note: it serves its purpose. If it was any more complicated, it wouldn’t. This resource is really good, but by its nature I’m not going to check it often. It’s a great resource! But I don’t know if there’s much else to do there. I would love to see the next problem you solve!
I think Julia Observer would benefit by some documentation, including a description of its purpose and functionality, either in a brief blurb at the top of or under About and Help buttons.
as @John_Gibson mentioned, I’ll definitely add an about/help page.
- but could you elaborate on how to make sorting configurable?
- and if
didn’t exist, would it still be unintuitive?
The main thing I want is package search, but Julia Observer seems to miss a lot of relevant packages. (Search is a hard problem.) For example, if I type interpolation into the search bar, it misses packages that show up on the first page of a general google search. (Dierckx, ApproxFun, etc.)
I would like to see the context of the package, shown in a graph, with its ancestors (things it depends on), and it’s decendants (things) that depend on it, shown.
(Probably with links).
Example shown below: (Enjoy the aweful inkscape skillz)
Potentially links could be shown between other nodes in the graph (which I think would be interesting).
(This would be the induced_graph between the set of ancestors unioned with the set of decedents)
I think if proper graph layour was used this would look a lot better.
The point of this view is to have a good idea of what would break if a package broke, and what breaking would break this package etc, and to generally see where the package lays in the ecosystem
Sweet! Add perhaps a version since these are commonly restricted in REQUIRE.
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A warning: maxima-ecl, (manjaro, arch linux) does not work.
Nice changes! Like the Categories.
I see from the About page you’re drawing inspiration from other package browsing tools. One that I use often and think is well designed is by DataCamp. Perhaps there are some features that that you might find interesting.
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Where does maxima-ecl
For julia observer to catch it, there would have to be a github repo named:
Just a heads up, all proposed changes are now live.
Let me know what you think and possibly throw out some new ideas
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As a note, when swapping between the categories and news tab it takes about 3 seconds per swap for me. Makes it feel pretty sluggish.
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This stems from the fact that the app’s built on rails (and not using a javascript framework).
// i.e. switching between categories
& news
initiates a server route change
A few questions:
- Was the initial load slow?
- Were subsequent loads slow?
Also, was it slower going:
- from
to news
or from
to categories
// edit: one solution would be to do some caching on the actual pages (would speed up search too)
Initial load is quite fast. Going from categories → news or news → categories takes the same amount of time.