Here is the tiny project I have in mind so that I get my hands a bit dirty. I would like to extend the functionality of StatsBase.countmap()
so that is accepts the Dictionary
type aside from the Dict
inbuilt data type.
Going to StatsBase.jl/src/count.jl
to see how StatsBase.countmap()
is implemented I saw that it was based on the addcounts!() function. Here is its definition.
function addcounts!(cm::Dict{T}, x::AbstractArray{T}, wv::AbstractVector{W}) where {T,W<:Real}
n = length(x)
length(wv) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch())
w = values(wv)
z = zero(W)
for i = 1 : n
@inbounds xi = x[i]
@inbounds wi = w[i]
cm[xi] = get(cm, xi, z) + wi
return cm
Now, my question is this: How is it possible to have Dict{T}
in there that includes a single type for a dictionary within the curly braces? I am trying to find similar code or an explanation of why and how that is ok in Julia docu, but I had not luck. I know it may be a naive question, but I am stuck. Any short explanation/hint/direction would be greatly appreciated.