What are your most coveted functionalities missing in the ecosystem?

Maybe EzXML?

multiattribute abstract inheritance


Thank you for the suggestion (along with @quinnj and also @IlyaOrson for EzXML, which Iā€™ll still be investigating) , I was not aware of Gumbo.jl! ā€“ and it looks like itā€™ll serve my use-case rather well. Thanks!

  • ClusterManager which deploys to cloud

A battle-tested source-to-source transform AD library which Just Works in all kinds of weird corner cases and is of course fast. Is this too much to ask? :wink:

(note that of course Zygote.jl is getting there :sunglasses:)


Something like Rā€™s DBplyr, so you can delegate work to the database instead of having to first load things in memory or export it to some file format.

Also, better database tools in general. Compared to Rā€™s ease of use of accessing data inside databases and writing data back, Julia is kinda in the stone age.


@bramtayl is building that as part of his GSoC! You can take a look at the work in progress here for Query.jl, and I believe it also works in LightQuery.jl.


A library like pythonā€™s xarray - I.e. n dimensional arrays with named and indexable axes. AxisArrays is a good foundation, but is missing a lot of the fantastic broadcasting behaviours that make xarray nice.

If there is promise for your use here https://github.com/JeffreySarnoff/CatmullRom.jl, let me know what modifications would be of use to you.

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I wish for:

  • a fast, stable, easy to use library which can interact with Postgres/PostGIS; bonus points for taking advantage of the GIS features. Possibly this exists and I donā€™t know about it.
  • More user friendly tools around libGEOS, GDAL, etc. The existing Julia libraries are powerful but low level.
  • callbacks to return to JuMP

AOT, please, executables are sexy


FYI I am working on some Mapnik bindings for Julia at the moment. Once itā€™s ready it could be used as a base to develop other geo-related packages. Thereā€™s also Turf.jl that adds the Turf functionalities to Julia.

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A usable way to distribute stand-alones


Someone will probably tell me that JLD works just fine, or that the matlab version is full of problems. But with that said:

When I used matlab I really liked the function save, which did let me save everything in a workspace. Later I could just load it back with load. It was a while ago since I used matlab, but this is the only feature which I really miss. I understand that JLD should be used for this kind of stuff. I have tried it out maybe three times now (with time intervals) and never gotten it to work. This compared to matlab were it all worked without effort.

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Iā€™m experimenting with something like xarray for geospatial data.

The idea is to make a common wrapper for various existing spatial data packages with a very minimal interface.

Itā€™s still very much work in progress but does some things xarrays does, like take the mean (or whatever) of a 3d Lat/Lon/Time dataset over the time dimension:

plot(mean(g; dims=Time()))


What kinds of interpolations? Maybe GeoStats.jl estimation problems can be useful. Sharing just in case.

My wish list:

  1. A stable plotting system that just works (Makie.jl is not ready, and Plots.jl isā€¦ you know)
  2. A stable mechanism for precompiling full environments as opposed to just isolated packages
  3. A comprehensive package for probabilistic graphical models a la pgmpy
  4. A package for 3D meshing without external dependencies written in other languages
  5. A VTK.jl package that has WriteVTK.jl as well as ā€œReadVTK.jlā€ functionality

Besides functionality and packages, it would be really great if experienced Julia users could compile a book on HPC with Julia. There are many parallel models in the language, but the community is lacking the necessary training to pick the most appropriate model for the problem at hand.


Give VegaLite.jl a shot!

Weā€™ve added experimental support for easily compiling a sys-image for an environment in the latest VS Code extension. Probably not perfect, but Iā€™d love to hear feedback on how that works.


Is this a possible solution? https://github.com/cdr/code-server

Thank you @davidanthoff! VegaLite.jl is a really beautiful work. My main use case however is plot recipes. Does VegaLite.jl support plot recipes? When it comes to plotting dataframes and tabular data in general, I recommend VegaLite.jl to colleagues.