Weird behavior of lyapynovspectrum from ChaosTools.jl


I’ve encountered a weird behavior of lyapunovspectrum when I was investigating my nonlinear system. A MWE can be found here:

using ChaosTools, DifferentialEquations, CairoMakie

function couple(x, y, vThr, k, hOffset)
    return (vThr - x)/(1 + exp(k*(hOffset-y)))

@inbounds function odesys(u::T, p, t=0.0) where T 
    u1, v1, w1, u2, v2, w2 = u
    α, β, d, vThr, k, hOffset = p 
    du1 = u1*(1 - u1 - α*v1 - β*w1) + d * couple(u1, u2, vThr, k, hOffset)
    dv1 = v1*(1 - v1 - α*w1 - β*u1) + d * couple(v1, v2, vThr, k, hOffset)
    dw1 = w1*(1 - w1 - α*u1 - β*v1) + d * couple(w1, w2, vThr, k, hOffset)
    du2 = u2*(1 - u2 - α*w2 - β*v2) + d * couple(u2, u1, vThr, k, hOffset)
    dv2 = v2*(1 - v2 - α*u2 - β*w2) + d * couple(v2, v1, vThr, k, hOffset)
    dw2 = w2*(1 - w2 - α*v2 - β*u2) + d * couple(w2, w1, vThr, k, hOffset)
    return T([du1, dv1, dw1, du2, dv2, dw2])

# initial point 
u1 = 0.08020870490181783
v1 = 0.042614670405671906
w1 = 0.7652877851548388
u2 = 0.7652877851548388
v2 = 0.042614670405671906
w2 = 0.08020870490181783
ic = [u1, v1, w1, u2, v2, w2]

# param values
alpha = 0.2451
beta = 2.324
d = 0.3606476945244957
W = 0.1
k = 50.0
h = 0.5
pars = [alpha, beta, d, W, k, h]

# integrator parameters 
alg = RK4()
# alg = DP8()
abstol = 1e-9
reltol = 1e-9
dtmax = 5e-1
dtmin = 1e-20
diffeq = (dtmax = dtmax, 
            dtmin = dtmin, 
            alg = alg, 
            abstol = abstol, 
            reltol = reltol, 

# doing DS stuff and looking for Lyapunov exponents 
dsys = CoupledODEs(odesys, ic, pars; diffeq)
tanDsys = TangentDynamicalSystem(dsys)
lyaps = lyapunovspectrum(tanDsys, 100_000; Ttr=3000.)
@show lyaps 
lle = lyapunov(dsys, 100_000.)
@show lle

# plot projections 
totalTime = 6_000
X, t = trajectory(dsys, totalTime)
u1, v1, w1, u2 , v2 , w2 = columns(X)
fig1 = lines(u1, w1)
save("fig1.png", fig1)

While the projection of a found attractor looks like a simple limit cycle, there is a weird discrepancy between the calculations of the Largest Lyapunov Exponent.

The output on my computer is the following:

lyaps = [0.001347582572478865, 0.0013624061655748648, 8.583893939022226e-6, -0.1916855026931509, -0.8523570829071934, -1.276863571175826]
lle = 3.3207502234233297e-6

The lle variable (LLE computed by Benettin algorithm from lyapunov function) is close to zero and corresponds to a limit cycle, while the top Lyapunov exponent of spectrum vector lyaps is noticeably larger than zero. Increasing the time of LE computations does not seem to change that behaviour. Is there any caveat that I might be overlooking?

increase computation time 10x or 100x and see if they converge first!

To me this seems pretty close to zero. Remember, there is no such thing as an absolute value in dynamical systems. The inverse of this number is a timescale. What is the typical timescale of your system? What is the period of the limit cycle? if 1/λ is millios of times larger you can safely consider it zero.

Thank you for your answer! I’ve checked the spectrum after the 10kk of iterations (it’s 100x more than in the original code), the result is essentially the same:

lyaps = [0.0013397005481988005, 0.0013397729161342767, -2.130190046311042e-8, -0.1916860048254532, -0.8523688935218153, -1.276849452732373]

The period of this limit cycle is roughly 20 units of time.