I have an experiment where a detector collects data and then writes a file. I want to watch a folder and when a new file appears, I want to load the data and plot it using GLMakie.
I am almost there but I’m hitting one major problem. My strategy is to read a directory readdir()
and load existing files into a menu, very similar to the Menu example on the Makie website. I am successfully able to read text files, load the data, select the data from a menu, and plot them.
The problem is updating the menu. I am using the standard FileWatching watch_folder
and trying to update my list of data and then update the menu, but I can’t simultaneously watch the folder and update the plot. I can successfully see when a file (with the appropriate extension) has been added, and I can add this to a list (files
I think what I’m trying to do is stretching what GLMakie is designed for, but I’m curious if anyone has suggestions. Maybe I have to design an entire GUI, but it would be nice to do something simple.
Here’s my function, which I run from the REPL. The my_load_file_function
function loads the files into a list of DataFrame
s and the columns are Observable
There are several problems with this code, but the main point is that I don’t know how to update the menu
when a new file has been added.
function run(datadir::String, extension::String=".lvm")
fig = Figure()
sc = display(fig)
files = readdir(datadir)
funcs = my_load_files_function(datadir)
menu = Menu(fig, options = zip(sort!(["square root", "square", "sine"]), funcs))
fig[1, 1] = vgrid!(
Label(fig, "Functions", width = nothing), menu;
tellheight = false, width = 200
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2])
df_obs = Observable{Any}(funcs[1])
col1 = Observable(:A)
col2 = Observable(:B)
data = @lift(Point2f.($df_obs[:, $col1], $df_obs[:, $col2]))
scat = scatter!(ax, data)
on(menu.selection) do s
df_obs[] = s
while true
(file, event) = watch_folder(datadir)
if endswith(file, extension)
if !(file in files)
println("New file: ", file)
push!(files, file)