I can embed a gif in an IJulia notebook with display(MIME"image/png"(), read(open(filename)))
. Is there a reason why display(MIME"video/mp4"(), read(open(filename)))
does not work? It simply does nothing.
Ijulia seems to have a list of available MIME types for display, mp4 is not on it
You could create your own display method that launches vlc
media player or another media player. I think they also have web-browser plugins, so maybe that can be used.
I used this once in some old code:
function display_mp4(filename)
display("text/html", string("""<video autoplay controls><source src="data:video/x-m4v;base64,""",
base64encode(open(read,filename)),"""" type="video/mp4"></video>"""))
Googling part of the code leads me to https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl/issues/107, which is probably where I got it from.