Is there a function which allows me to insert an entry into a set and returns whether the entry was already present? I.e. something like
function insert!(s::Set, v)
r = v in s
return r
Is there a function which allows me to insert an entry into a set and returns whether the entry was already present? I.e. something like
function insert!(s::Set, v)
r = v in s
return r
The version you suggested looks fine for everyday use. If you expect that most entries will already be present, then it might be slightly faster to make the push!
conditional, though this could have different results if it is possible for the keys to be ==
but not ===
function insert!(s::Set, v)
(r = v in s) || push!(s,v)
return r
If speed is really, really important, and you expect most calls to return false, there’s a slightly faster possibilty relying on the internal implementation of Dict
Here’s a better version that avoid the redundancy of hashing twice.
insert!(S::Set,i) = length(S)==length(push!(S,i))
You can also use tokens in
to implement a set, avoiding the double-lookup.
Sorry, my question wasn’t very clear. I was actually wondering whether Base Julia already provides a function like this. C++ for example does: std::map<Key,T,Compare,Allocator>::insert -
I don’t think Base
provides an implementation. A more appropriate comparison to C++
's is probably with its hinted insert, which specifically doesn’t provide a return value. From your link:
The hinted insert (4-6) does not return a boolean in order to be signature-compatible with positional insert on sequential containers, such as std::vector::insert. This makes it possible to create generic inserters such as std::inserter. One way to check success of a hinted insert is to compare size() before and after.