VegaLite (v0.5.1) Tooltips in Julia v1.0.2 - Can Only Do Single Field with DataFrame Source?

Was having good success with VegaLite until I tried tooltips. Using this dataframe:

julia> df3
17x2 DataFrame
│ Row │ x1 │ x1_1 │
│ │ Date │ Int64 │
│ 1 │ 2017-06-06 │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 2017-06-28 │ 1 │
│ 3 │ 2017-06-30 │ 1 │
│ 4 │ 2017-07-03 │ 2 │
│ 5 │ 2017-07-06 │ 2 │
│ 6 │ 2017-07-21 │ 1 │
│ 7 │ 2017-07-31 │ 1 │
│ 8 │ 2017-08-08 │ 1 │
│ 9 │ 2017-08-11 │ 1 │
│ 10 │ 2017-08-16 │ 2 │
│ 11 │ 2017-08-20 │ 1 │
│ 12 │ 2017-08-22 │ 1 │
│ 13 │ 2017-08-24 │ 1 │
│ 14 │ 2017-09-12 │ 1 │
│ 15 │ 2017-09-28 │ 1 │
│ 16 │ 2017-10-19 │ 3 │
│ 17 │ 2017-10-23 │ 2 │

in this @vlplot() call works - I get my plot with the single field tooltip:

x={field="x1", typ="nominal", axis={labelAngle="-60", grid="true"}},
y={field="x1_1", typ="quantitative"},
tooltip={field="x1_1", typ="quantitative"}

If I View Source from the plot, I can modify the tooltip to add the “x1” field value by enclosing in square brackets, and call this spec with the vl macro and it works - I see both field values in the tooltip on the plot:

spec = vl"""
  "height": 600,
  "encoding": {
    "tooltip": **[{"field": "x1", "type": "nominal"},** {"field": "x1_1", "type": "quantitative"}**]**,
    "x": {
      "axis": {"labelAngle": "-60", "grid": "true"},
      "field": "x1",
      "type": "nominal"
    "y": {"field": "x1_1", "type": "quantitative"}
  "data": {
    "values": [
      {"x1": "2017-06-06", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-06-28", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-06-30", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-07-03", "x1_1": 2},
      {"x1": "2017-07-06", "x1_1": 2},
      {"x1": "2017-07-21", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-07-31", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-08-08", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-08-11", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-08-16", "x1_1": 2},
      {"x1": "2017-08-20", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-08-22", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-08-24", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-09-12", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-09-28", "x1_1": 1},
      {"x1": "2017-10-19", "x1_1": 3},
      {"x1": "2017-10-23", "x1_1": 2}
  "width": 800,
  "mark": {"type": "point"}

but if I try to use two fields in the tooltip using @vlplot I get this error:

julia> @vlplot(
       x={field="x1", typ="nominal", axis={labelAngle="-60", grid="true"}},
       y={field="x1_1", typ="quantitative"},
       tooltip=[{field="x1", typ="nominal"},{field="x1_1", typ="quantitative"}]
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching haskey(::Array{Dict{String,Any},1}, ::Str

but this tooltip format works for a simple example:

  data= {
    values= [
      {a= "A",b= 28}, {a= "B",b= 55}, {a= "C",b= 43},
      {a= "D",b= 91}, {a= "E",b= 81}, {a= "F",b= 53},
      {a= "G",b= 19}, {a= "H",b= 87}, {a= "I",b= 52}
  mark= {type= "bar"},
  encoding= {
    x= {field= "a", type= "ordinal"},
    y= {field= "b", type= "quantitative"}, tooltip= [{field= "a", type= "ordinal"},{field= "b", type= "quantitative"}]

the difference seems to me to be that it does not work for multiple tooltip fields when my datasource is a dataframe. Since a dataframe would be my normal source for plots, any advice is greatly appreciated.

Argh! I tried to bold the edits I had made to the tooltip in the vl spec call…now I see that it shows “" instead of bolding. Please ignore the "” in that code block.

This should now be fixed with Handle tooltip encodings with an array properly by davidanthoff · Pull Request #144 · queryverse/VegaLite.jl · GitHub merged.

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