VegaLite not formatting correctly

I have plotted this graph using VegaLite, but the bars are bleeding over and obscuring everything.

My code:

answer |> @vlplot(mark = {type= :bar}, x = {field = :Overall_mean, scale = {domain = [76,85]}, axis = {title = "Overall Average"}}, y = {field = :Experience, sort = false}, height = 500, width = 500, color = :Experience)

My graph



│ Row │ Company                          │ Score   │ QLCApct │ Experience │ index   │
│     │ String                           │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64    │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ California(QLCA)                 │ 82.88   │ 0.67    │ 10.84      │ 1.0     │
│ 2   │ Californa(non-QLCA)              │ 77.45   │ 0.67    │ 9.3        │ 1.0     │
│ 3   │ Davey(QLCA)                      │ 82.17   │ 0.62    │ 14.43      │ 2.0     │
│ 4   │ Davey(non-QLCA)                  │ 78.03   │ 0.62    │ 11.7885    │ 2.0     │
│ 5   │ Mario's(QLCA)                    │ 82.19   │ 0.9     │ 8.05       │ 3.0     │
│ 6   │ Mario's(non-QLCA)                │ 70.15   │ 0.9     │ 7.3289     │ 3.0     │
│ 7   │ ArborWorks(QLCA)                 │ 83.84   │ 0.73    │ 10.41      │ 4.0     │
│ 8   │ ArborWorks(non-QLCA)             │ 77.52   │ 0.73    │ 9.00053    │ 4.0     │
│ 9   │ Wilhelm(QLCA)                    │ 79.93   │ 0.49    │ 8.85       │ 5.0     │
│ 10  │ Wilhelm(non-QLCA)                │ 73.45   │ 0.49    │ 7.21778    │ 5.0     │
│ 11  │ Asplundh(QLCA)                   │ 79.27   │ 0.45    │ 12.95      │ 6.0     │
│ 12  │ Asplundh(non-QLCA)               │ 78.25   │ 0.45    │ 10.4027    │ 6.0     │
│ 13  │ Wright Tree Service(QLCA)        │ 86.09   │ 0.59    │ 10.34      │ 7.0     │
│ 14  │ Wright Tree Service(non-QLCA)    │ 78.3    │ 0.59    │ 7.10463    │ 7.0     │
│ 15  │ Mowbray's Tree Service(QLCA)     │ 85.58   │ 0.73    │ 8.59       │ 8.0     │
│ 16  │ Mowbray's Tree Service(non-QLCA) │ 84.61   │ 0.73    │ 7.89608    │ 8.0     │

Any ideas how to fix this? I’m sorry if I’ve not pasted all of this properly.