Two simple utility packages for interacting with the Windows API:
This package defines aliases in Julia to Windows Data types.
import WinTypes: HANDLE, DWORD
hOutput = ccall(:GetStdHandle, stdcall, HANDLE, (DWORD,), -11 % DWORD)
compare this to without using WinTypes
hOutput = ccall(:GetStdHandle, stdcall, Ptr{Cvoid}, (UInt32,), STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE % UInt32)
This package allows you to reliably call known Windows paths identified by their UUID without having to make brittle calls to the system environment variables.
julia> using WinKnownPaths; import WinKnownPaths: FOLDERID
julia> WinKnownPaths.path(FOLDERID.System)
julia> WinKnownPaths.path(FOLDERID.Fonts)