Hello, how can i get the probability for next sentence prediction using Bert?
Example gives arrays of different lengths for each 2 sentences, according to the number of tokens in this 2 sentences.
What should i do next?
Found this type and some examples in GSoC 2020. How to put it all together?
I’m new at this and hope for your help)
This code doesn’t work
using Transformers
using Transformers.Basic
using Transformers.Pretrain
using Transformers.HuggingFace
#bert_model not used
bert_model, wordpiece, tokenizer = pretrain"bert-uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12"
vocab = Vocabulary(wordpiece)
model = hgf"bert-base-uncased:fornextsentenceprediction"
text1 = "Aesthetic Appreciation and Spanish Art:" |> tokenizer |> wordpiece
text2 = "Insights from Eye-Tracking" |> tokenizer |> wordpiece
formatted_text = ["[CLS]"; text1; "[SEP]"; text2; "[SEP]"]
token_indices = vocab(formatted_text)
segment_indices = [fill(1, length(text1)+2); fill(2, length(text2)+1)]
model(token_indices, segment_indices)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch(“arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths 14 and 768”)