Hello, i have been having trouble with the sockets library.
For some reason when i write to a connection it doesnt succeed and instead hangs. I have no idea why this is happening, would anyone else have a clue?
function start(port)
server = Sockets.listen(port)
while true
conn = Sockets.accept(server)
@async begin
println("Connection Start")
function processConnection(conn)
data = Vector{UInt8}()
while true
tmp = read(conn)
if(length(tmp) > 0)
catch err
print("connection ended with error $err")
if(length(data) == 0)
println(ntoh(data[1]), " ",data[1])
transit_data = Transit.decode(data)
buffer = processTransitData(transit_data)
println("ABOUT TO WRITE")
println(conn," ",buffer)
After some more testing it appears to be that the “write” to the socket doesnt actually write until the program ends on its own. I have no clue why this may be.
using Sockets
server = Sockets.listen(8080)
conn = Sockets.accept(server)
while !eof(conn)
data = readavailable(conn) # <-- !!!
write(conn, data)
Actually i seem to be having a different issue now. For some reason, readavailable() is blocking when there is no data available.
Any reason why that may occur?
The documentation is a bit ambiguous but that seems to be the intended behavior: read whatever data is available but block until some data is available. Perhaps @jameson can comment on whether that’s what was intended (IIRC, he wrote this code originally).
Probably not me: I usually tell people that readavailable is a foot-gun, and not to use. And if you think you need it, you should go back through the design and and check for accidental data handling errors (e.g. races and deadlocks). The error here with OP is forgetting to close the write side after being done with it (that said, we should someday finally implement half-open / shutdown state sockets–but they aren’t that commonly used since they’re often redundant with high-level protocols). Currently I think you have to ccall uv_shutdown manually now, which involves a bit of boilerplate unfortunately.
Hello, the problem was that i needed to wait for a reply, but the original write never ended up being sent until the socket closed. I thought TCP sockets were meant to just send when written too? Or do they require a “send” after writing to the socket first? Sorry im not the best with TCP sockets
You do seem to have a convoluted processConnection function with a lot of redundancy. Why not shorten it to the (functionally equivalent) form below:
function processConnection(conn)
data = read(conn)
if isempty(data)
Sockets do require a “send” call, known as “shutdown” or “half-close” if you are not using a higher level protocol. This is the ccall(:uv_shutdown) call that I mentioned above is not currently available.
Thanks for the improvement, ill add it in right away.
But what would happen if a large amount of data was sent in multiple packets? Couldnt it read while stuff is still being sent and miss the end of the message?
Also are you saying i should be calling ccall(:uv_shutdown) after my write code? Or is it fine with the higher level library?
TCP does not expose the concept of packets. You can either use a higher level protocol (like HTTP) or call uv_shutdown after your write. Unfortunately, though uv_shutdown isn’t quite trivial to wrap.
Where would i find information on that uv_shutdown command? im looking for what its missing and cant seem to find it.
Also, if i want to write to the socket again would i need to do some form of “startup” command? or is that unneeded?