Using SomePackage: symbol doesn't import SomePackage in v0.7?

I am just asking to clarify if this is intentional or a bug:

julia> VERSION

julia> using StatsBase: cov

julia> struct Foo end

julia> StatsBase.var(::Foo) = 42
ERROR: UndefVarError: StatsBase not defined
 [1] top-level scope at none:0

Cf: in v0.6, StatsBase is brought into scope.

In 0.6, packages got loaded into Main which is the same module the REPL is working in. This is no longer the case, they get loaded into a non-standard module behind the scenes. That is likely the cause of the difference, but not sure whether the current behavior is actually the desirable one.

Are you sure it has to do anything with Main? Eg one can get a similar error message by loading

module Bar
using StatsBase: cov
struct Foo end
StatsBase.var(::Foo) = 42

I think that @jeff.bezanson changed this so that using X: y doesn’t cause X to be imported anymore.

I think this actually makes sense, but it would be great to have it in

Actually, the manual on modules has

The statement using BigLib: thing1, thing2 brings just the identifiers thing1 and thing2 into scope from module BigLib.

(my emphasis), so with a careful reading, this is indeed documented. But some extra emphasis would be useful.

Should I open an issue?

Yes, please!

Now I double-checked and I am not so sure that there is an issue.

module Bar
using StatsBase: cov
struct Foo end
StatsBase.var(::Foo) = 42

errors on both v0.6 and v0.7, while

using StatsBase: cov
struct Foo end
StatsBase.var(::Foo) = 42

only errors only on v0.7, but that is covered in the