I want to use a function using parameters.jl. Inside REPL I simply type:
julia> called_function(param1=4, param2=0)
The function “called_function” has other parameters but those have default values which are good enough for me.
However I want to create a wrapper that will take some arguments and transfer them to the called function:
function my_function( a::Int64, b::Int64, other arguments)
called_function(a, b) # <= How can I say that 'a' is for param1 and 'b' for param2?
I get an error like this:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching called_function(::Int64, ::Int64)
If I specify the 4 arguments of “called_function” I don’t need to state the name of the parameters:
My fallback plan is of course to state all parameters within “my_function”. I nevertheless would like to know how I can work around this and use default values.