Using Opensource hosting repo instead of GitHub

It’s true.

For reference here are some of the tools that are available for GitLab.

Julia TagBot for GitLab

Written in python and hosted on github :joy:

Registrator Web Interface / JuliaHub

I am not sure if JuliaHub uses the Registrator web interface with new CSS, or if it has its own system.
But there is a web interface for Registrator that can be self-hosted and works with GitHub and GitLab.
And JuliaHub supports both.

Off of github/gitlab I think you can use RegistryTools.jl to generate the changes to a registry for an arbitary repo so you can PR the registry directly (though you will need to ask for manual merge).
I wouldn’t be suprised if @GunnarFarneback had some nicer front end

Probably GitHub - triscale-innov/RegistryCLI.jl: Manage private Julia registries from the command-line can do it if you point it at a clone of the General Registry (rather than a private one)