Using Julia on Android?

Complete Steps to Running Julia on your Android (tested on Huawei P30 pro as of 20190927)

Step 1

  1. Download the termux app on your Android (Play Store worked for me)

Step 2

  1. Install Ubuntu on termux by following this guide. For those who are too lazy to open the page, here are the instructions from the page

Installation steps

  1. Update termux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
  2. Install wget: apt-get install wget -y
  3. Install proot: apt-get install proot -y
  4. Install git: apt-get install git -y
  5. Go to HOME folder: cd ~
  6. Download script: git clone
  7. Go to script folder: cd ubuntu-in-termux
  8. Give execution permission: chmod +x
  9. Run script: ./
  10. Fix resolv.conf: cp ~/ubuntu-in-termux/resolv.conf ~/ubuntu-in-termux/ubuntu-fs/etc/
  11. Now just start ubuntu: ./

Step 3

  1. Update apt-get and install wget (for downloading packages) install Julia using
apt-get update 
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install wget
apt-get install julia

Step 4

Run Julia


Step 5

Enjoy and help flesh out this guide by posting more information here for others!


  • I haven’t tried it but it seems like we can install the latest version of Julia but following these instructions, see the Linux section
  • The best keyboard in Android is hacker’s keyboard, but I am not 100% happy with it. Better suggestion welcome!
  • A few packages failed to install. I am not a Ubuntu nor Android nor termux expert by any means, so sI don’t if everything that can be installed on normal ubuntu can also be installed on termux Ubuntu. If it is then the sky’s the limit, if not then I don’t know much info further. Please post here if you have more info.

I think @lyonsquark’s instructions would have worked too.