Hi, im using the ForwardDiff package. The following code is only a simplification of the real problem.
But I am getting there as well a stack overflow in the line of the LU decomposition.
using ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
function foo(x)
r = [1,2,1];
c = [1,2,2];
v = [x[1],x[2],x[1]];
rhs = [1.0,2.0];
A = sparse(r,c,v);
LU = lu(A)
y = LU \ rhs;
return y
J = ForwardDiff.jacobian(foo,[1.,2.])
Interesting that this pops up as a stack overflow error…
The point is that \ for SparseMatrixCSC is channeled to UMFPACK from SuiteSparse which is implemented in C and thus not able to work with ForwardDiff.Dual numbers.
That said, recently, the package Sparspak.jl was announced which is a pure Julia implementation of the classical Sparspak by George and Liu and thus provides an LU factorization working with general number types. The ExtendableSparse.jl package (shameless plug: I am the author…) provides the ExtendableSparseMatrix type which has a \ which falls back to Sparspak on number types not supported by SuiteSparse/UMFPACK .
So now we have:
using ExtendableSparse, ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
function foo(x)
r = [1,2,1];
c = [1,2,2];
v = [x[1],x[2],x[1]];
rhs = [1.0,2.0];
A = ExtendableSparseMatrix(sparse(r,c,v));
LU = lu(A)
y = LU \ rhs;
return y
J = ForwardDiff.jacobian(foo,[1.,2.])
2Ă—2 Matrix{Float64}:
-1.0 0.5
0.0 -0.5
thank you for your quick reply. Somehow I am still getting an Error with your code (I copied your version).
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot convert an object of type
Sparspak.SpkProblem.Problem{Int64{},Float64} to an object of type
Sparspak.SpkProblem.Problem{Int64{},ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{typeof(foo), Float64}, Float64, 2}}
Strange, I tried this even on Julia 1.6 in a clean environment, and it all works.
The error message indicates that you somehow tried to differentiate through a sparse solve with a sparse matrix already created with Float64 entries instead of ForwardDiff.Dual.