Using arbitrary polygons as markers in Makie.jl

This solution works nicely, but as with the poly solution, I’m wondering if there’s a way to change the space-units from data to pixel. When you zoom in on a regular scatter-marker the size of the marker doesn’t change, which is great. I would have liked to be able to create a custom marker (from a polygon) that behaves similarly.

For more context

I’m trying to create and use a new rotated drop-shaped marker, which works really well following the docs

using CoordinateTransformations, Rotations

struct DirectedDrop{T<:AbstractVector}

function Makie.convert_arguments(::PointBased, x::DirectedDrop)
  f = Translation(x.c) ∘ LinearMap(Angle2d(x.θ))
  n = 64
  ([f(Point2f(cos(t), sin(t)*sin(t/2)^2)) for t in range(0, 2π, n + 1)[1:end-1]], )

c = Point2f(2,3)
dd = Node(DirectedDrop(c, 0.0))
poly(dd, axis = (aspect = DataAspect(), ))

My question is, what is the best way to plug in the whole interplay between MarkerSpace versus DataSpace? And as a side-question, in the decomposition of my DirectedDrop, what is the correct way to specify the number of vertices I use to create the drop (right now, I just have it hard-coded to 64)?