The documentation explains how to declare a primitive type, but seems silent on how to set the bits or read them.
For example, given:
primitive type Foo 8 end
how would I construct a Foo holding 42, or given a Foo, how do I read the bits?
The documentation explains how to declare a primitive type, but seems silent on how to set the bits or read them.
For example, given:
primitive type Foo 8 end
how would I construct a Foo holding 42, or given a Foo, how do I read the bits?
A real-world example may be helpful:
An abstract nucleic acid type.
@compat abstract type NucleicAcid end
A deoxyribonucleic acid type.
@compat primitive type DNA <: NucleicAcid 8 end
A ribonucleic acid type.
@compat primitive type RNA <: NucleicAcid 8 end
# Conversion from/to integers
# ---------------------------
Base.convert{T<:NucleicAcid}(::Type{T}, nt::UInt8) = reinterpret(T, nt)
Base.convert{T<:NucleicAcid}(::Type{UInt8}, nt::T) = reinterpret(UInt8, nt)
Base.convert{T<:Number,S<:NucleicAcid}(::Type{T}, nt::S) = convert(T, UInt8(nt))
Base.convert{T<:Number,S<:NucleicAcid}(::Type{S}, nt::T) = convert(S, UInt8(nt))