I get the error message:
┌ Warning: Endpoints do not match. Return code: Success. Likely your time range is not a multiple of `saveat`. sol.t[end]: 75.398224, ts[end]: 0.0
because I am using saveat
as an integer to represent the number of times to save the solution when calling solve
after calling ODEProblem
dudt_ude!(du,u,p,t) = dudt_univ!(du,u,p,t,protocols[k], dct)
prob_univ = ODEProblem(dudt_ude!, σ0, tspan, θ0)
saveat = dct[:pts_per_cycle] * dct[:Ncycles] # an integer
println("saveat 2: ", saveat)]
sol_pre = solve(prob_univ, Tsit5(),abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-6, saveat=saveat)
What conditions must be satisfied for the warning error not to occur?
The end time is some real number based on \pi so the end time is irrational.