You did proof me wrong, as it seems, that at least two people do not acccept the importance of security in every software. Ok, then lets talk only about julia and security.
I want to stress the importance of inherent security in the julia code base, as it is the base of all applications where julia is used as a language. We can not tell, who uses julia for what in future, but, I am sure we agree on this point, we all would be happy if julia is widely used for, lets say everything.
For the point of security it is much simpler: we all use julia, we use packages, some of us use it, to open and process data. It is probably not wrong, if I assume, that there are enough people who use it like that, and who don’t have control over the incoming data, don’t bother to control the code of packages and trust in the julia base code. This is the scenario where exploits grow easily.
We are not there yet, we are still in some kind of niche, where developing exploits seems not to be economic. But this is also the time, where fixing potential security flaws is cheaper than in future.
My proposal would be: install some kind of automatic checking like the one in the OP, do it open and public and let the community work on the solutions. Maybe some knowledgable people could prioritize the found issues to make it more motivating for the volunteers. (And to anticipate the unavoidable: yes I would to some work in such a setting).
What is important for me is now written above, but this
The reason so many security issues have arisen these days is likely because we have many more technically incompetent users being placed in front of systems which assume some level of technical competence.
is just wrong and I just have to say this. Maybe I got it wrong but anyways it seems not constructive to the topic to discuss it as the result would always be: there is nothing to do, because ignorant people us it wrongly. (yes I should have ignored it, I couldn’t, but maybe others can ignore this now for further discussion).