I’m not 100% sure what you are trying to do, both examples the loop variable goes from 1 to 10 so you can use that for indexing. My best guess is you are asking for something like:
x = Vector{Float64}(undef,n)
y = 11:20
Threads.@threads for crt_y in y
x[crt_y - y[1] + 1] = crt_y * 2.0
In which case as long as the range of y is 10 sequential numbers you will place the calculated values in the array.
My usecase is a bit more complex. I have a dataframe large_df. One of its columns contains IDs (let’s say from 1 to 1e6, in a random order), the other columns contain data I need to process. I also have a second dataframe ID_df which contains some of those IDs(not necessarily all of them), but in a totally different order.
The task is to identify each ID from the ID_df in the large_df ID column, and then get data from that specific row and store it somewhere (get first ID from ID_df, check if it exists in large_df ID column, if yes, go to that row and extract data from other columns and put it in a preallocated vector like x)
In order to make this more efficient, I use multithreading, since the search operations are independent.
The code works using a dedicated counter.
I would like to do the modification just for styling: the code looks better with Threads.@threads for col in eachcol(df)...
using Random, DataFrames
ID_df = DataFrame(ID=shuffle(1:n))
large_df = DataFrame(ID=shuffle(1:n), data=randn(n))
x = Array{Float64,2}(undef,n,2)
Threads.@threads for i=1:size(ID_df)[1]
# get current ID from ID_df
crt_ID_row = ID_df[i,:]
crt_ID = crt_ID_row.ID
# find ID in large_df and extract data from that row
df_row = filter([:ID] => x -> x == crt_ID, large_df)
x[i,1] = crt_ID
x[i,2] = df_row.data[1]
Threads.@threads for crt_ID_row in ID_df
# get current ID from ID_df
crt_ID = crt_ID_row.ID
# find ID in large_df and extract data from that row
df_row = filter([:ID] => x -> x == crt_ID, large_df)
x[i,1] = crt_ID
x[i,2] = df_row.data[1]