[update] DoubleFloats

Thanks to the interest of others, DoubleFloats turns v0.8 today.

There is another package, Quadmath.jl, which exports Float128 from GNU’s libquadmath. Float128s have 6 more significant bits than Double64s, and a much wider exponent range (Double64s exponents have the same range as Float64s). Big128 is BigFloat after setprecision(BigFloat, 128).

benchmarking: vectors of 1000 values and 50x50 matrices.
Relative performance: smaller is faster, the larger number takes proportionately longer.

          Double64  Float128  Big128              Double64  Float128   Big128
`dot(v,v)`   1         3        7       `exp.(m)`    1         2         6
`v .+ v`     1         7       16       `m * m`      1         3         9
`v .* v`     1        12       25       `det(m)`     1         5        11

Version 1.0 is available. Thanks to all who helped.
See the docs for functions offered and general use.