Unreliable computations on GPU with Flux

Hi all, I have a problem with optimization of convolutional neural networks on GPU. I would like to run a couple of experiments from the same initial values of network parameters, but for some reason, when it is run on GPU, it gives different results. Here is a MWE

using Flux
using Statistics
using LinearAlgebra
using CUDA

#initial network whose parameters I load into the others
bn_ch = 2 #channels for BN (probably has to be > 1)
net = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => bn_ch, pad=1), BatchNorm(bn_ch), Conv((3,3), bn_ch => bn_ch, pad=1)) #probably has to contain BN and the last convolution
#input array
sz = 10 #size of input and output array (too small input seems to work ok)
x_init = ones(Float32, sz,sz,3,1) |> gpu
d = ones(Float32, sz,sz,1,1)
#loss function
loss(n, x, y) = mean((n(x).-y).^2)
#nuber of steps of optimisation
steps = 10 #can fail even with one optimisation step but it does not happen that often
#nuber of runs (does not fail every time)
nruns = 10
#optimiser for network optimisation: "adam" or "descent" 
optimiser = "adam" #descent seems to work ok

#----------------- GPU runs -----------------
#first nruns networks
pars_norm2 = 0
for j = 1 : nruns
    net2 = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => bn_ch, pad=1), BatchNorm(bn_ch), Conv((3,3), bn_ch => bn_ch, pad=1)) 
    Flux.loadmodel!(net2, net) #load initial parameters of net
    net2 = net2 |> gpu 
    optim!(net2, steps, (n)->loss(n, x_init, gpu(d)), optimiser)
    pars_norm2 += get_norm(net2)

#second nruns networks
pars_norm3 = 0
for j = 1 : nruns
    net3 = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => bn_ch, pad=1), BatchNorm(bn_ch), Conv((3,3), bn_ch => bn_ch, pad=1)) 
    Flux.loadmodel!(net3, net) #load initial parameters of net
    net3 = net3 |> gpu
    optim!(net3, steps, (n)->loss(n, x_init, gpu(d)), optimiser)
    pars_norm3 += get_norm(net3)

#----------- CPU runs ---------------------------------------
#first nruns networks
pars_normc2 = 0
for  j = 1 : nruns
    netc2 = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => bn_ch, pad=1), BatchNorm(bn_ch), Conv((3,3), bn_ch => bn_ch, pad=1)) 
    Flux.loadmodel!(netc2, net) #load initial parameters of net
    optim!(netc2, steps, (n)->loss(n, cpu(x_init), d), optimiser) #run optimisation
    pars_normc2 += get_norm(netc2) #add norm of parameters after optimisation

#second nruns networks
pars_normc3 = 0
for j = 1 : nruns
    netc3 = Chain(Conv((3,3), 3 => bn_ch, pad=1), BatchNorm(bn_ch), Conv((3,3), bn_ch => bn_ch, pad=1)) 
    Flux.loadmodel!(netc3, net) #load initial parameters of net
    optim!(netc3, steps, (n)->loss(n, cpu(x_init), d), optimiser)
    pars_normc3 += get_norm(netc3)
println("Difference between parameter norms of first ", nruns, " and second ", nruns, " optimisations on GPU: ", pars_norm2 - pars_norm3)
println("Difference between parameter norms of first ", nruns, " and second ", nruns, " optimisations on CPU: ", pars_normc2 - pars_normc3)

function optim!(network, nsteps, lossf, opt)
    #function for network optimisation
    #network..... network to be optimised
    #nsteps...... number of optimisation steps
    #lossf....... loss function
    #opt......... optimiser, either "adam" or "descent"
    if opt == "adam"
        opts = Adam(0.01)
    elseif opt == "descent"
        opts = Descent(0.01)
    pars = Flux.params(network)
    for j = 1 : nsteps
        gs = Flux.gradient(()->lossf(network), pars)
        Flux.Optimise.update!(opts, pars, gs)

function get_norm(network)
    #function returning sum of norms of network parameters
    pars = Flux.params(network)
    ns = 0
    for x in pars
        ns += norm(x)
    return ns

Running this script returns

Difference between parameter norms of first 10 and second 10 optimisations on GPU: -0.004699707
Difference between parameter norms of first 10 and second 10 optimisations on CPU: 0.0

which shows that the results of an optimisation of the same network with no stochastic influences are not the same on GPU. On CPU, however, it works alright. Any idea what is going on?

Edit: It seems like it happens only on NVIDIA TITAN V.

FYI we have a #domain:ml category that might get you more eyes for questions like this in the future.

What you’re most likely seeing is Option for filtering by CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC in `cudnnConvolutionAlgoPerfChoose` · Issue #938 · JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl · GitHub, which has been discussed on Discourse a couple times before. My comment/offer in Option for filtering by CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC in `cudnnConvolutionAlgoPerfChoose` · Issue #938 · JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl · GitHub still stands :wink:

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